I took the Sony a7C on a photography and video walk to get some photos and 4K video clips in daylight. All still images you see in the video are JPGs because I didn't feel like editing any of them. All video was shot in UHD 4K at 24FPS. The lens I used was a Sony FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS with SteadyShot. I kept the SteadyShot on and shot everything handheld as you can see by the many shaky clips. I also did not use an external microphone, which you can hear by the excessive wind noise.
//// Used in the video:
I used to have a list of gear here, but I've removed unaffiliated links to products until I finally hear back from the companies I submitted affiliate applications to that keep my status in limbo in perpetuity.
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//// Website:
RaymondStone.com: http://raymondstone.com/