#LDtopicLecture #WTO #BigPharma
This video is intended for competition flow debaters looking for coaching insight on the Lincoln Douglas Debate Topic for September and October of 2021. Resolved: The member nations of the World Trade Organization ought to reduce intellectual property protections for medicines.
Included in this lecture are references to 3 documents. The first is the outline of the topic lecture. The second is the 1994 WTO Pharma agreement. And the third is the PDF released by the World Trade Organization in 2020, as spurred by all the hysteria over you know. These documents can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19frOi1zH_5-A3mSqGrjHXx17fTz1vAED?usp=sharing
This video is non-monetized, and intended for the educational use of competition LD flow debaters. It may or may not make a lot of sense to non-debaters.