ROORKEE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING - home to a diverse population of skilled, curious, and innovative future engineers eager to explore both fundamental science and cutting-edge applications, with its 12 Years glorious past, thanking all students not for only excelling in academics but also in Sports, Culture & Extra Curricular.
RCEians have made us proud with their path-breaking laurels at the National & International levels. If you would like to get the most out of studying in one of the best Engineering colleges, click below to reach Graduate and Professional applications.
5th Km. Haridwar-Roorkee Canal Road,
Near village Bajuhjeri
Roorkee, Distt.-Haridwar
Uttarakhand-247667, INDIA
Email - rceroorkee@gmail.com
Website - https://www.rceroorkee.in/
Admissions 2021-22 - https://admission.rceroorkee.in/