A few ladies that started cleaning up this cemetery asked me to join a few weeks ago, while working that day we uncovered a tablet and base of two little boys who died within the first year of their lives…. We dug this stone up, treated it with D/2 and cleaned out the base. And today I went back to set the stone back the way it is supposed to be! I’m so happy with the way it turned out and can’t wait until it is completely clean and looking good!
If would like to send me mail my mailing address is:
PO BOX 1071
Midland MI, 48641
If you would like to email me please send to: Pastpreservation1@gmail.com
If you would like to donate to my channel you can do so here:
PayPal.Me/Jfrosty1223 or Jfrosty1223@gmail.com on PayPal.
Any donations will go toward the cleaning and restoration of Veteran Grave markers or to Til Valhalla Project you can check them out here https://tilvalhallaproject.com/