Updates regarding the NFT Art Finance Project and Enter.art
Buy me a Coffee - being a daily coffee drinker this really helps so appreciate it ☺ if you are so kind. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nftmusicinfo
My Art NFT's https://www.enter.art/artist/bazartist
My Music NFT's - https://www.enter.art/artist/cybermonday
Playlist - NFT-Art.Finance
For comments and suggestions please reach out to me at nftmusicinfo@gmail.com
My Synthwave and Synthpop material - biglink.to/cybermonday
My EDM Music - biglink.to/cyberfriday
ETH Wallet for Donations - nftmusicinfo.crypto
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This video is for entertainment purposes only.
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