In this video, you will explore the options available to visualize your data using different geo map layers and to refine those layers to focus on specific insights.
0:00 Add a geo map to a story
0:57 Set up content layers in a geo map
1:52 Drill up and down in a geo map
2:21 Add feature or point of interest layers
2:57 Apply filters to a geo map
3:35 Customize the look of a geo map
Recommended Help Topics:
โข Analyzing Geographical Data: https://help.sap.com/viewer/00f68c2e08b941f081002fd3691d86a7/release/en-US/fd69fd5e5c914637ad26927143b0d100.html
โข Creating a Model with Coordinate or Area Data for Geospatial Analysis: https://help.sap.com/viewer/00f68c2e08b941f081002fd3691d86a7/release/en-US/c52a875d319b4cd1890a52f6286f96bc.html
โข Creating a Geo Map: https://help.sap.com/viewer/00f68c2e08b941f081002fd3691d86a7/release/en-US/6ade40e98e9c4f11ab3ad28d345ab54f.html