Hey everyone! In today's video, I'm gonna be showing you guys how I was able to make 4x4 STOP Catching and Locking Up. This problem exists on multiple cubes such as the MGC, Meilong M, Zhisu Mini M and the Aosu WR M, and I'm gonna be showing you guys how I made my cube much better with just a few simple steps easily!
You can buy the 4x4 I used in this video here (use code ram): https://speedcubeshop.com/products/unicube-aosu-wr-m-4x4
See what lubes I had initially put here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWUKJZ11Pcc
And the lube I used for this video: https://speedcubeshop.com/collections/cosmic-lube/products/martian
A big thank you to JFCUBING for always making the best music for cubing videos! Be sure to check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/JFCUBING/
JFCUBING - Limitless
A MASSIVE thank you to Grogu for using my discount code at SpeedCubeShop, you can take a look at his account here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswkzrC9QaFSWh7gFJcHAtQ
Sponsored by SpeedCubeShop! Make sure to use the discount code RAM while checking out at sCs for 5% off your entire order, as well as a shoutout at the end of my latest video!
Website: https://speedcubeshop.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGcq3X8Ff7nje0DPf_YqaRg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speedcubeshopofficial/
The Kit I use to make my videos: https://kit.co/ram_thakkar/youtube-kit
Thanks a lot for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please like and subscribe if you enjoy my content, see you in the next video!