लताकरञ्ज कषाय, कटु, तिक्त, उष्ण, वातपित्तशामक तथा स्तम्भक होती है। यह उल्टी, बवासीर, कृमि, कुष्ठ तथा प्रमेह में लाभप्रद है। लताकरंज के पत्र कटु, उष्ण तथा कफवातशामक होते हैं। लताकरंज के बीज दीपन, पथ्य, शूल, गुल्म तथा व्यथा शामक है। इसकी मूल मूत्रल, कटु, शोथहर, वेदनाशामक, वातानुलोमक तथा कृमिघ्न होती है। इसका बीज तैल सूक्ष्मजीवाणुनाशक तथा मृदुकारी होता है। लताकरंज की फलमज्जा विरेचक होती है
Latakaranja is an Ayurvedic herb. When rubbed over a rough surface, it instantly becomes hot. It is widely used in treating malaria, and is also a very good anti spasmodic herb. It is also useful in many types of fever. Hence is known as Fever nut in English.
Hindi name: kantakareja
Sanskrit synonyms:
Kantakikaranja – because it is a prickly shrub.
Kuberaksha – its seeds resemble the size of eyes
Putikaranja, Vitapakaranja, Karanji
It is found throughout moderate to high temperature zones of India. It is commonly found in South and eastern parts of India
Medicinal qualities
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light to digest), Rooksha (dryness)
Rasa (Taste) – Tikta – Bitter, Kashaya (Astringent)
Vipaka – Taste conversion after digestion – Katu (pungent)
Veerya – Hot potency
Effect on Tridosha – Balances all the three Doshas.
Uses it
Stambhani – useful in diarrhea and bleeding disorders
Vamihara – acts as natural anti-emetic. Relieves vomiting
Pitta Arshahara – Useful in piles / hemorrhoids of Pitta origin
Krumihara – relieves worm infestation
Kushtaghna – useful in skin diseases
Pramehajit – useful in urinary tract disorders and diabetes
antirheumatic. Roasted and used
as an antidiabetic preparation.
Leaf, bark and seed—febrifuge.
Leaf and bark—emmenagogue,
anthelmintic. Root—diuretic,
The powder
forms a household remedy for treatment of diabetes in Nicobar Islands.
In Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, roots
are used in intermittent fevers and diabetes.
In homoeopathy, the plant is considered an excellent remedy for chronic
Use inWestern herbal
Nikkar seeds are used in febrile illness. Roasted
seeds are made into a kind of coffee for diabetes.
The oil extracted from the seeds is used in cosmetic preparations to soften the skin.
Apart from these, it is traditionally used in treatment of liver and spleen disorders.
A famous folklore medicine – its leaf or seed paste is applied over the hydrocele to reduce the swelling.
Part used
Root bark, leaf, seed
Natural Bonduc Nut, Fever Nut/Kalachikai/Katikaranja/Kankarej/Kuberakshi
सागरगोटा| लताकरंज |कांटीकरंज| FEVER NUT | CAESALPINIA CRISTA (A COMPONENT OF AYUSH 64)