My brother died before his firstborn child was born, because of this I've had an above average involvement in my nephews life. One thing I’ve always done is build him toys and furniture. It was a way of providing without the awkwardness of handing over cash. Also, between my late brothers cash and life insurance via work a trust was setup for my nephew for ~£500,000. He wasn’t actually married to my SIL.
Now via the lab at work I’ve made him a lot of wooden or 3d printed toys, but also some simple handmade electronic toys. My sister in law was always grateful for these and my nephew (by all accounts) loves his custom toys.
Fast forward 3 years and my former sister in law has gotten married. I was attending my nephews third birthday and I turned up the night before to assemble his present. It was a small climbing frame/Swing set I had watched better carpenters than me in the lab make.
The new husband was a little standoffish but come the day of the party he was telling anyone who listened that I didn’t pay or make the present I had lackies at work do it for free. This culminated in him calling all my “presents” an embarrassment and given my fancy job I could afford to splash some cash.
Story 1:
AITA for no longer making toys and furniture for my former SIL after her new husband called them an “embarrassment” and me cheap for not paying for stuff?
Story 2:
AITA for refusing to contribute to my stepfamily?
Story 3:
AITA for kicking out my wife’s ex-in laws during our pool party?
Story 4:
AITA for telling my wife’s siblings to grow up during my divorce with their sister?
#AITA #Parenting #Family