I'm moving away from VSCode as this IDE has stolen my ❤️. Use code ANIAKUBOW to get 3 months of the secret IDE for free: https://bit.ly/reveal-IDE . I have seen people trying to compare the two so for clarity: VSCode is a text editor with 3rd party plugins, IDE's are integrated environments that have features made and maintained as per the software updates.
Watching back I didn't do the 'Code With Me' option justice. It has a built in option that allows you to share your code and make it editable for all parties whilst video chatting(!!!) and so much more...
Browse useful tips and tutorials: https://bit.ly/IDE-guide
*code for new personal subscriptions only.
Video content:
00:00 Introduction
01:56 Getting Started
03:11 Getting projects via URLs
06:36 Preconfigured Templates (React, Angular, Vue, TypeScript etc)
11:17 Code Completion and Suggestions
16:41 Adding Code Extensions
18:12 Live Templates
20:57 Refactor Tool
23:36 Live HTML Preview
24:50 Checking Warnings and Typos
26:00 Code Replacements and File Navigations
27:13 Code With Me - Virtual Pair Programming option. (code editing available to all on the call)
⭐ New to code and none of this is making sense? Watch my '12hr+ YouTube Coding Bootcamp' in which you will learn HMTL,CSS and JavaScript Fundamentals completely from scratch. It's on my channel and its 100% free.
⭐ In most videos I use Tabnine as my A.I autocompletion tool. You can download it for free here: http://bit.ly/tabnine-top-tool
⭐ You can get a blockchain domain with my affiliate link here: http://bit.ly/get-a-crypto-domain
⭐ If you would like to buy me a coffee, well thank you very much that is mega kind! : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/aniakubow
⭐ Sign up for weekly coding tips from my newsletter partnership: https://bit.ly/JS-tips
You can also find me on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ania_kubow
Instagram: https://instagram.com/aniakubow
#codingbootcamp #coding