Tutorial starts @04:35
Please ignore the annoying cicadas. It's Texas. There's nothing I can do about it.
This video was filmed at the Pull-A-Part in Mobile, AL! www.pullapart.com/locations/mobile/
Parts list:
The Sport hood came on 1999-02 4Runner models.
76181-35901 Bulge, Hood
76192-35010 Plate, Hood Bulge
76182-35020 Guide, Hood Air Intake
90263-04054 Rivet - x2
90167-45005 Screw, Pan Tapping
76183-12030 Protector, Hood Bulge - x4
90179-06324 Nut - x4
76187-35010 Retainer, Hood Air Intake Guide
76184-12020 Protector, Hood Bulge - x2
76185-35010 Protector, Hood Bulge
Watch the episode of All Girls Garage featuring my truck here: https://www.motortrendondemand.com/detail/fayes-4runner-shop-truck/2097608/12518
Full disclosure: while Pull-A-Part did not sponsor this video, they did give me the hood, and admission to the yard for free :) helps to have friends in high places!!
IG: @pistonsandpixiedust
FB: @pistonsandpixiedust
TikTok: @FayeHadleyOfficial
Twitter: @SupraFaye