Why Were Scales Amusements?

Why Were Scales Amusements?

A few weeks back my buddy Ed texted me a photo of one of those big old scales that you might come across at a boardwalk and asked “Why are these popular? Why do people pay a quarter to weigh themselves?” It was a great question. I had seen these countless times over the years and while it seemed obvious that they were an older amusement, I still wondered why they were ever an amusement to begin with.

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Additional Sources
Miller, Kelsey. 2021. “The Completely Bonkers History of the Bathroom Scale.” Medium. Elemental. February 15, 2021

“The Christopher K. Steele Collection.” 2020. Theamericanweigh.com. 2020.

Steele Collection, Christopher. 1891.

“Penny Scales Make Millions”, The Journal Times (Racine, Wisconsin), Sep 16 1927

“Weigh the baby free of charge”, Portage Daily Register (Portage, Wisconsin), Apr 18 1924

penny scalepenny scale weightpenny scale collection

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