Last vlog you saw “Mystery Neighbor Has a TWIN IMPOSTER!! (Who is the REAL Ellen??)” well now in today’s vlog, Stephen Sharer is playing his Rocket Slide Family Friendly Game when he gets a security alert at the Sharer Fam beach house. The Mystery Neighbor Ellen was spotted in the backyard beach hacking into the jet skis! But then at the exact same time, Mystery Neighbor Ellen Twin was At the front door of the Share the Love beach mansion trying to get it!! Knowing there are either Twin sisters or one is an imposter Stephen knew he needed to capture the Twin Mystery Neighbors and figure out which one was the REAL ELLEN! We must reveal who is the imposter! The Sharer Fam crew split up and Keeley took the backyard and went to capture Ellen on the Jet Ski while Stephen went to the front past Alexa the security guard and captured Ellen by her Jeep! It took a little Battle Royale to capture the mystery neighbor twins with top secret spy gadgets but once they were caught it was time to being them in for a lie detector test. Stephen had to find out which one was lying and lie detector test are 100% accurate! Steven Sharer has to reveal if this is a prank by Mystery neighbor Ellen - is Ellen real or fake?! And who we must reveal who this other Ellen Is?! Could it be a clone?!
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@Stephen Sharer Gaming This DESTROYED My MineCraft House!!
FGTeeV GRANNY Sings Me Song b4 Going 2 Heaven! THE END! (FGTeeV vs Fake GRANNY 3 Pirates) https://youtu.be/RNbnXGImMuA
The Royalty Family We Are BUILDING a NEW HOME!!! (DREAM COME TRUE) 😱
Carter Sharer David Dobrik Wants to Join Team RAR!!
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Stephen Sharer and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Stephen Sharer Inc. For any requests from media, contact us at business@stephensharer.com