Here are my thoughts on if you should buy Gardevoir or not. I go over who would benefit most from this crazy fun new Pokémon. Also ranked gameplay footage of Gardevoir being an absolute beast while I ramble. Enjoy!
Wigglytuff Best Build guide https://youtu.be/EVMyIKC2j6c
Machamp Best Build guide https://youtu.be/oiK6UFQto-U
Greninja Best Build guide https://youtu.be/LnsF7oyoykk
Eldegoss Best Build guide https://youtu.be/VW2cG86_nAI
Venusaur Best build guide https://youtu.be/ZVx6X8i1U6g
Is Pokemon Unite Pay to Win? https://youtu.be/I9Mo2q3dTr0
Lucario Best build guide https://youtu.be/Lbu6fBNGDHY
Ninetales Best build guide https://youtu.be/Cx06IPiXaoY
Gengar Best build guide https://youtu.be/kDIwvAikbLc
Pikachu Best Build guide https://youtu.be/UwNfZAVobaI
Cramorant best build guide https://youtu.be/YiLpDC2b9tI
Cramorant is So Strong https://youtu.be/tRh3jzrezn0
Pikachu is TOO Good https://youtu.be/FllAqR4JwQM
How much will pokemon cost? https://youtu.be/14F_w_06Sg0
Pre Release Tier List https://youtu.be/MefEf9BnuvY
Zeraora Breakdown https://youtu.be/tpaCoESICyE
All item breakdown https://youtu.be/Uoq5zpiJsaU
Beginner tips and tricks, Beginner guide, Advanced tips
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And listen to my podcast Unsolicited Advice with Jake Sprague anywhere podcasts are sold
#PokemonUnite #Gardevoir #Gameplay