Kirtan is like a potent mantra that can attract precious objects from a distance.

Kirtan is like a potent mantra that can attract precious objects from a distance.

Śrīla Prabhupāda. Even if, as on the sun, there is apparently no water, still there are living entities there. How does a cactus grow in the desert, apparently without water?
Karandhara. It gets water from the atmosphere.
Śrīla Prabhupāda. Yes, because the atmosphere contains all the elements needed to sustain life: earth, water, fire, air and ether. In anything material, all these elements are present. For example, in my body there is water, although you cannot see it. Similarly, you don’t see fire in my body, yet my body is warm. Where does this warmth come from? You don’t see any fire. Do you see any fire burning in my body? Then where does the warmth come from? What is the answer?


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