45 minute German Road Indoor Cycling Workout with Garmin Speed Display 4K

45 minute German Road Indoor Cycling Workout with Garmin Speed Display 4K

We would like to donate for the victims of the flood disaster in Germany. Any amount that is paid into this Paypal account front@loop.de or here Hochwasser in der VG Trier-Land - hier können Sie spenden:
Die Verbandsgemeinde Trier-Land hat in Absprache mit dem Landrat Günter Schartz ein Spendenkonto eingerichtet, um Hochwasseropfern in der Region Trier-Saarburg schnell helfen zu können:
Das Spendenkonto finden Sie hier:
Kontoinhaber: Verbandsgemeinde Trier-Land
IBAN: IBAN DE13 5855 0130 0001 1273 80
BIC: TRISDE55XX in the next two weeks.
We donate 100% of this to the victims in the Trier / Saarburg region
we would appreciate your support ✌
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Here is the video without Garmin Edit overlays
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Kinomap Version on my Channel https://dashboard.kinomap.com/de/users/336657/videos
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GPS Data on Strava https://www.strava.com/activities/5532516888
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